his cut out coast sheltered Mistral by wild islands, is occupied by Ligurians when they see arriving, in year -600, the sailors of Phocée Greek the conduits by Protis.
Married with Gyptis, the girl of the chief of the Ligurians, Protis create a colony while making use of a natural shelter of 400 hectares which will name a long time Lacydon, of the name of the small coastal river which flows there, then will be universally known under that of the “Vieux Port”.
For a long time, naval construction prevailed on the site, the ropes being on the spot manufactured (of large fields of hemp covered the current site of Canebière which in the car its name) and it structural timber not missing in the forests of oaks on the surrounding hills.

he "Great Plague" of 1720 carried a great crushing argument to the city, as well on the population plan (more than 50.000 died, half of the inhabitants), as on the economic plan.
In spite of the episode of the Marseilles reinforcements of the army of the Rhine which arrived at Paris by singing a walk of "Rouget de l'Isle" which will become “La Marseillaise”, the city will take again a true economic advancement only in 1830, date of the catch of Algiers and beginning of the rise of our colonial empire by Suez Canal.

La soupe de poissons est
une des recettes les plus connues
de la région Marseillaise

Télécharger la recette de la soupe de poissons

Voir la recette de la soupe de poissons

Marseille d'en bas

'est l'époque des grands travaux, création des grands boulevards et du palais Longchamp, château d'eau chargé de dispatcher dans la ville les eaux de la Durance arrivant par le canal nouvellement créé, mais aussi du «savon de Marseille».

Le Palais Longchamp :
Un Château d'eau à la Marseillaise, c'est à dire à la hauteur de "La Sardine qui a bouché le Port"
(Cliquez ici pour tout savoir)

n economic by-effect will again come to disturb the quietude of the Marseillais when the source of colonial abundance is dried up.
Since half of the 20th century, the city sought new outlets, wanting to place itself like the large metropolis of the south of Europe. It developed new infrastructures in state-of-the-art technologies and of tourism, helped in that by a very favorable climate, mistral coming to very quickly eliminate all traces from pollution, clouds and other hinderer to benefit from the “cagnard” (the sun).

Which Marseillais forever called upon the «Bonne Mère» ?

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